
This week was a lot like the last one but times it by two. Last week we missed a few days because of snow days so we did not get to do a class. But this week we had all the days so we had the class that we missed last week. So on this blog I will be talking about the class I missed and a little science. So the class i missed was french.  In french we did research on zero waste. I talked about zero waste in my last blog but we are doing something a little different in french then science. We have three classes of french in a week, on the first day we had to write down all the thing we saw when we went to American Waste like plastics, glass, cardboard, etc. On the other days we could not go because we either had a field trip or we did not have school because of a teacher meeting. In science we made these cool beeswax snack wrappers.

snack wrap